01 January 2008

Back to life

Yeah -- I am! After nearly a month of self-imposed standby mode, I have returned. And what do you know, it's a new year already... fuck ya, 2007.

Anyway, I feel something good about 2008 -- and that's saying the least, I think. Despite menopausal "psychics" wreaking negative "predictions" for '08 on live TV, I feel rather... good. Waitaminute, maybe that explains the optimism: bad karma for everyone! ;D

Man, it's good to be back. Oh please don't frown. You know as well as I that we've all been bad in the last 365 days, so it's only right that we reap the fabulous rewards in the next 366. Blame the Chinese for that extra day.

Sigh. Time ran fast and slow at the same for '07. You jump at midnight, sleep around, play pingpong with your boss, sleep around some more and when you wake up, it's January 1 again.

Last night's celebration was fun for me, something I haven't had in the past NY Eves. And it was one where I held, sparked and had F.U.N. with miniature explosives. I didn't even really care if I don't know what most of them were called. As long as it lights up, swirls, flies and destroys hearing, it's good for me. Too bad our videoke fanatic neighbors weren't around... those noisy, loud belts would have looked so good on them... Ain't I nice?

And I plan to be nicer this year. Like, hand 'em neigh-bores a pair of 5 Stars for earrings too and stuff. Time's effing short. It's only January 1, you might say, but that is the point: it's Day 1. You need to update your bounty hitlist and/or set the mood for Days 2 to 366. Yadda, yadda.

I missed this feeling. It's common knowledge that I'm not one to greet humans with a smile first thing in the morning. I'm the dark aura at times, some say, but this negative energy likes to watch yellow, pink and neon blue butterflies flutter, too, occasionally. Well, as long as it isn't wearing too much make-up and bawls "Oh my god" 50 times a minute, that is.

A fabulous 2008, peeps. ;D
QWERTY-ed by Paoper at 12:59 |  

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