25 January 2008

What's small, brown and itchy all over?


I don't know what's wrong with my skin. At first I thought it was a bad combination of two body lotions and an I-hope-it's-not-expired-yet shower gel that apparently has dormed on my vanity altar for over two years now, but it's too Paris Hilton. It couldn't have been food, either: Unless daily servings of fried manufactured dimsum and Solera-ed Fundador was another bad idea.

The weird thing is, there aren't any marks on whatever is infesting me. From the nape, it's already reached my ankles, but not a single island on my epidermis.

Most definitely, it's NOT skin shedding, as my Reptalia ancestry would suggest. Mine's due in May. And it is my fervent belief that it's not a killer yeast infection. I know. That's overkill. Or a Jock Itch Gone Wild, Wild, Wild. That's... eww. I've already taken my routine bath for the quarter, too...

Last night I caught a dermatologist right before her bedtime. We recalled every detail down to the price ranges of my laundry detergents, but nothing conclusive. She squiggled on her record, and charged me 400 bucks for hypoallergenic stuff for the bod. Then, in subtle defeat, we spent the rest of the night talking about diode laser hair removal. I will have my first session in March. Nice doctor lady.

So this is what some of us have come down to. Itchiness. Questions. Wild guesses. Must be the moment's theme, as some friends and people associating with The Xio also have theirs:

I can't wait to see her again! But, when will I be out of debt with all these dinners, lunches and monthsaries? Maybe after our second anniversary...
I can't get enough of them! But will I ever be able to choose just one? Unless one of them finally chooses ME...
My boss is so freakingly weird. And I've done nothing but be beautiful and perfect for him! Do you think he'll ever smile at me, hopefully before he dies?
I've been requesting her that since forever! How about we write the letter in Nihonggo instead? Or German...
I need hair waxing! But will my ass be able to take it? Maybe I'll try it on my face first.

Life. Annoyingly fun. At the same time, freakishly engaging. At least I have my hypoallergenic shit with me to cool it down.

Thank Hades it's Friday!
QWERTY-ed by Paoper at 16:16 |  

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