08 June 2008

Surviving a blind date—without sneaking out

This is for a gal named Shella, who loves getting up at 4AM.

It can be a most exciting thing to do, but no one’s ever really assured of a fantastic ending in this Adventurer's pastime-slash-Desperado's saving grace: blind dating.

Scarier, you risk spending at least two hours with a stranger, 107 minutes of which could spell a-w-k-w-a-r-d. Come on, both of you can only turn your head sideways so many times before finally snapping it off because of boredom. Now how about picking a place littered with common-interest things for the, dare I be politically correct, first meeting? Like a tasteful snack bar. Everybody loves munching. Plus, that will ensure a long list of things to talk about after the “Where were you earlier?” queue to a possible “Ah, I see. I don't know that place.” Fine dining can wait until your third or fifth night out… or in.

Or maybe try a bowling alley: You can talk and have wholesome-interactive fun at the same time. The movies can wait for next couple of weeks, so can that other interactive fun, if you’re both into the “liberated” style of things. Guys, of course you will shoulder the bills, but if the “modern” ladies offer some bucks because they had a great time—they wouldn't if they didn't—crack something like, “Thanks, but you're buying me coffee next time.” Corny, yes, and you will mean it as a joke, funny man, but it could segue to an invite to a second date. Or bad review from the girlfriends.

Be sure to have the givens: Comfy outfit a.k.a. your style a.k.a. not too flashy, not too uptight; smarts a.k.a. your own personality and open-mindedness; budget a.k.a. emergency cab fare. Hey, you never know when a flat tire could happen.

To save yourself from a tragic dismay, you can expect the proverbial worst from that other person whom you've never met—but why do that? Instead, go the other way and anticipate a very nice time with that person who, after all, is just as blind as you are in that hook-up. Focus on what you have in common. For starters ask about, compare notes about or simply verbally abuse the mediator friend that fixed you up, but you should only do as much. You are there to see each other, and the whole point of it is to try find someone who you can be with in the coming days or weeks—or years—so do just that. Talk about safe but interesting, familiar but non-invasive things: like how her day was and how she felt about it, or what he loves most about his job and how he plans to improve his craft, or how the world will be a more beautiful place without Sarah Geronimo in it. Then, if you want to, let your opinion on their stories ease into the conversation. Offer compliments, but do not patronize because it's obvious and, well, lame. Dwell on the lighter side of life, where you as persons are sure to find common interests. Then let the chat progress. Never try too hard. Simply enjoy it. Before you know it, you'd have shared your third banana split or have tied at 16 strikes each.
QWERTY-ed by Paoper at 10:39 |  

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