08 February 2008


In the game called KSP--Kulangot Sa Puwet--only the first point matters. Whoever gets it automatically wins and gets to stomp on your pretty little loser face for the rest of the day. Say you're working on a most important deadline of your life--like Friendster comments and Youtube downloads--and here barges an elephant of an A.D.H.D. case worthy of the most potent vial HIV in the universe. It makes sounds, passes by your desk, makes more bore-about-to-be-slaughtered noises and does shitty craploads of nonsense just to get even the attention of the ants sleeping underground two blocks away. What do you do? Three choices:

A. Use that bazooka grandpa gave you last Christmas.
B. Show off that bazooka to your neighbors. Then use it.
C. Pretend neither of you exists... because you have 57 more clips to view and it's almost lunchtime.

No, sorry, succumbing to the self-absorbed disturbance's barbaric efforts is NOT an option. By succumbing, it means paying attention--any effing form of it, e.g. stirring in your seat, answering dumb questions it asks every single effing day, asking it to tone it down... basically letting it know that you are affected by its stinky presence when it should be placing itself in the middle of an extremely busy highway. In a straight jacket.

Acknowledging the booger's efforts is when it gets that First Point and you know what that means.

Fuck hospitality. The last man on mute wins.
QWERTY-ed by Paoper at 12:34 |  

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