20 March 2008
Locked Out: The Bakit List
- I'm being kicked out of the house, I txt-d Friends after realizing after the 99th ding-dong that no one was home. Wait, let's be more accurate: They locked me out. At first I thought it was my siblings' evil plan to punish me. But why is it my problem that we never agree when it comes to fashion? I like drab and they like trash. At least mine are branded. Then I realized: it wasn't my siblings, but the people my siblings are seeing! I'm rarely a welcoming party--especially after midnight after coming from work, only to see that the house is only a pole away from being a toxic bar. They romanced their way to my sibs' nerves and brainwashed them to lock me out, which is frustrating because I've been rehearsing like mad to do just that to them. Damn!
- Yet if it wasn't my siblings who'd planned stranding me to the gate, then who? I still have a month before my insurance fee lapses... And earlier that day I didn't glare at that fugly maid who does nothing but flirt with the village guard. I also forgot about nuking the neighbor's car altogether. Fuck, are Sarah Geronimo fan clubs after me again? Screw you, blockheads, rot, rot, rooooot!
- I was doubly frustrated because I was already way late for a nightout. I was seeing Friends from high school and I couldn't take off without changing shoes. Then a phone call and a peculiar txt message: both from ancient exes. And both was inviting me to hook up. I know. I KNOW. WHY? What did I ever do to them? After everything, can't I just live in peace? What ever happened to "moving on"?
- What's not clear to me, still, is why some girlfriends keep on treating their boyfriends' houses as a hotel. What, too comfy with the relationship everything begins to be conjugal while their men rent other private rooms behind their backs? Or were they kicked out of their houses because they sleep over in other houses too much? Lucky me then I only got locked out. And lucky me there's always just the two of us whenever I sleep over.
- After three pitchers of Badboy I non-cautiously asked a friend about this gal whom I remember each time I see him. He just shrugged, and he grew silent. Oops. Then he said, "You know, she's still the one." Even the guy staring at me from the next table flinched. It's been almost eight years and "she's still the one", even though both of them have new attachments now. It may be from HS and quite laughable, but really, why does first love never die? Then again I too should know the feeling: Yellow Cab will never go bankrupt. Or any other pizza place for that matter.
- Why was it titled "10,000 B.C."? Should have been "10,000 Brokeback". Watch it.
- Why have we been so hard on Janina San Miguel? If a Venezuelan beauty queen struggles with her English in front of everyone, would we laugh and stab so hard too? After all, Manny Pacquiao did win that feather thingy in boxing. Can a Miss(ed) World crown be far behind?Why have we been so hard on Janina San Miguel? If a Venezuelan beauty queen struggles with her English in front of everyone, would we laugh and stab so hard too? After all, Manny Pacquiaodid win that feather thingy in boxing. Can a Miss(ed) World crown be far behind?
- And why is it called "Featherweight"? Do you have to be super light to box? In that case I'm definitely never gonna enter any arena lest I go more anorexic than I already malnourished-ly am.
- For a few minutes I stared at this... plant. It kept swaying to the wind, sometimes appearing to fall to the side. But the pot is broken on the other side, so it had already suffered its own Babel. Now the wind kept blowing and the plant was like teasing the wind to try harder, if not mocking it for its puniness. Moral: If you can't beat them, use an axe.
Then I realized it's already behind the camera.
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xio! dwarf said you don't look like snow white daw kasi. hahaha! (only belo touches my skin - snow white)
i knew i should have eaten more Likas Papaya soaps...