20 March 2008
Locked Out: Voices
I balleted back and forth, in circles, in straight, zigzag and crooked lines. Attempted quintuple arabesques--upside down! Heck I even tried counting Mississippis. But all those ate only 15 minutes. And I felt my small intestine was already planning a coup with her big twin. Sank my firmness to a polka-dot monobloc chair--yes, a seat resembling a pimply, freckle-faced pubescent with chicken pox, and no, I took no pic. Instead, I have these:

That shell was lying in a corner by the gate. It looked old but was striking white--it lounging by the entrance makes me wonder how I never noticed I lived in the sea. The chair, like Marvin Agustin, was ick-ing me out, so I pranced away and picked up the molluscan apartment.
It was grand and silent at the same time, almost mesmerizing. I didn't know if it's real or not, but I was so admiring its beauty I wanted to take it to the neighbors--who just rammed up its gangster sounds to Everest levels--and have them lick it from end to end. And yes, you got me; I gave justice to hearsay and put the gaddamn thing near my right ear to let nature commune with me... I wanted to challenge the proverbial sound of the sea, after all I could use all the nature's calming I could get... Then the bonus: voices.
"Peter Piper picked a pecked of pickled pepper,
and a pickled pecker the pervert Peter already keeps."
"Pizza, pasta... pizza, pasta... pizza, pasta..."
Unless some crapbag pieces it back together, that shell won't be whispering to any ear anymore. Ever.

It was grand and silent at the same time, almost mesmerizing. I didn't know if it's real or not, but I was so admiring its beauty I wanted to take it to the neighbors--who just rammed up its gangster sounds to Everest levels--and have them lick it from end to end. And yes, you got me; I gave justice to hearsay and put the gaddamn thing near my right ear to let nature commune with me... I wanted to challenge the proverbial sound of the sea, after all I could use all the nature's calming I could get... Then the bonus: voices.
"Love conquers all...
But if it doesn't, then your bank account isn't just big enough."
"Peter Piper picked a pecked of pickled pepper,
and a pickled pecker the pervert Peter already keeps."
"Pizza, pasta... pizza, pasta... pizza, pasta..."
"Hello, hello Garci?"
"Ow. Ay am sow sorrrry. Ay thold yu aym so confident... Hoe... hoe... HOE my god!"
"Aaand iiiff, forever's not enough for me to laaauuuuvv youuuuu,
I'd spend anooother lifetime bay-bi..."
I'd spend anooother lifetime bay-bi..."
Unless some crapbag pieces it back together, that shell won't be whispering to any ear anymore. Ever.
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